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Education Foundation News clear

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategy Targets Scholarships and SME PRIME

The SME Education Foundation's renewed and focused commitment to a diversity, equity and inclusion strategy is designed to fully integrate diversity and equity opportunities in every program, effort and initiative undertaken by the Foundation. The Foundation created and established a new Irving P. McPhail Scholarship Fund and will begin focusing its growth efforts on the nation’s Title I schools.

Quality Magazine: Training in the Age of COVID-19

Rob Luce, vice president of the SME Education Foundation, was featured in a Quality Magazine article about the COVID-19 virus disrupting businesses worldwide and how training employees presents new challenges. Luce weighed in on the struggle within industry to find talent with soft skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Four-year Degrees Not Required for Manufacturing Success

A decades-long national bias against vocational careers continues to inform high school graduates that four-year college degrees are the only option for achieving success. Government data tells us otherwise. There are millions jobs in the United States that pay an average of $55,000 per year and don’t require a bachelor’s degree.

Overcoming Adversity; Pursuing Opportunity: Nicole Tharp Strides Forward

Nicole Tharp is a Manufacturing Automation student at Truckee Meadows Community College slated to graduate in the coming months with her associate degree. Nicole has received two scholarships from the SME Education Foundation, and credits that assistance as important in allowing her to focus on her studies.